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Device circuit

Circuit is a unique identifier of a particular entity (input, output, or function) of each device. The circuit is created automatically during initialization of Evok according to the table below.

Circuit creation table:

Device type name Key Circuit format Examples
Relay ro <device_name>_<number> 2_01, xS11_02
Digital Output do <device_name>_<number> 1_01, 1_02
Digital Input di <device_name>_<number> 1_01, xS11_02
Analog Output ao <device_name>_<number> 1_01, xS51_02
Analog Input ai <device_name>_<number> 1_01, xS51_02
User LED led <device_name>_<number> 1_01, 2_02
Master Watchdog wd <device_name>_<number> 1_01, 1_02
1-Wire bus owbus <device_name> 1
1-Wire power owpower <device_name> 1
Temp sensor temp <1-Wire_address> 2895DCD509000035
Non-volatile memory nvsave <device_name> 1, 2, xS51
Modbus slave modbus_slave <device_name> 1, 2, IAQ
Device info device_info <model_name> (grouped) / <device_name> (single) L533, S167, xS51
Data point data_point <device_name>_<register_address> IAQ_0, IAQ_6, IAQ_10
Modbus register register <device_name>_<register_address> 1_0, 1_1, 1_1000
  • <device_name>: Name defined in Evok configuration.
    • examples: 1, 2, 3, IAQ, xS51, xS18.
    • note: autogen generates device_name as a section number.
  • <model_name>: Name defined in device_info configuration section.
  • examples: L523, S103, S167.
  • <number>: Sequence number (is based on the 'count' parameter in the HW definition).
    • examples: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 10, 11, 12.
  • <1-Wire_address>: 1-Wire device address without dots.
    • examples: 2895DCD509000035 (from 1-Wire address: 28.95DCD5090000.35),
  • <register_address>: Modbus register address (is based on the 'count' parameter in the HW definition).
    • examples: 0, 1, 12, 1000, 1100.